Building Name: Westminster Presbyterian ChurchStudio Name: Grand Rapids Art Glass Co.
City: Grand Rapids
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Date of Window: 1940
Subject/Title of Window: Jesus and Mary, The Empty Tomb
Brief Description of Subject: (west side of the sanctuary)
John 20:2
So, she came running from Simon Peter and the other desciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and don't know where they have put him!"
This tall narrow window was dedicated on March 24, 1940. It was given in memory of Francis Graves Owen, wife and mother, by Edwin Owen, Mrs. R. Dwight Owen and Mrs. Grace Owen Ballew. The bulletin from the 1940 dedication sevice reads, "Mrs. Owen had been active member of Westminster since her marriage. Although technically not a member, yet in reality she was one of the most faithful members of this church and a member of the Central Circle. She was well known and beloved by a host of friends." Mr. Owen was founder and President of Owen, Ames and Kimball, Inc. The Owen window is identical in glass, color and border design as the Behold I Stand window. It is believed to be made by the Grand Rapids Art Glass Company. The window depicts Mary at the empty tomb with the Master unknown to her, standing by her side. The scene from a painting by J.M.F. Heinrich Hofman (1824-1911), a German artist who painted during the late 19th and early 20th century. His art work had great appreciation among Americans and thus many were saved by the devastation of art work during WWII. Several of his original paintings reside at Riverside Church in New York City. Details regarding the glass etc. can be found in the description of the Behold I Stand window.
Height: 18'
Width: 4'
Type of Glass and Technique: Antique or Cathedral Glass, Glass Paint, Lead Came, Silver Stain
Jesus and Mary, The Empty Tomb
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