Building Name: First English Evangelical Lutheran ChurchStudio Name: Willet Hauser Architectural Glass
City: Grosse Pointe Woods
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Date of Window: 1963
Subject/Title of Window: The Holy Trinity
Brief Description of Subject: The left section depicts God the Father by the traditional symbol of the hand by whom all things are made and kept. In it appear the sun, moon and stars along with a bird, fish and planet as representative of creation.
The center section depcits God the Son in the form of the triumphant Lamb of God. Jesus Christ was offered for the sin of the world as lambs had been in the cultus of Israel. With the banner of triumph the Lamb in on the book with seven seals as referred to in Rev. 5.
The right section represents God the Holy Spirit in the likeness of the dove as at the Baptism of Jesus. Also appearing here are seven flames symbolizing the gifts of the Holy Spirit - wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, the fear of the Lord, and patience - to the Messiah from Isaiah 11.
Condition of Window: Excellent
Height: each panel 96"
Width: each panel 18"
Type of Glass and Technique: Opalescent Glass, Antique or Cathedral Glass, Lead Came, Vitreous Paint
The Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity Willet studio sketch
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