Building Name: First English Evangelical Lutheran ChurchStudio Name: Willet Hauser Architectural Glass
City: Grosse Pointe Woods
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Date of Window: 1961
Subject/Title of Window: The Apostolic Church
Brief Description of Subject: The left section portrays the day of Pentecost with the Holy Spirit descending upon the church as tongues of fire thereby empowering the disciples to witness unto Christ. At the bottom is the vision of St. Peter of unclean animals leading the church to realize that the gospel was for Gentile as well as Jew.
Portrayed above the center section is the stoning of St. Stephen. Underneath this is the Conversion of St. Paul, with Christ saying to him - "Why persecutest thou me?" At the bottom is the sword and book which is traditional symbol of Paul the Apostle.
The right section is a portrayal of Paul preaching at Athens. The Grecian city is represented by the building with its pillars. In the lower part, the apostle is depicted as writing his epistles in prison near the end of his life.
Condition of Window: Excellent
Height: each panel 125"
Width: each panel 20"
Type of Glass and Technique: Opalescent Glass, Antique or Cathedral Glass, Lead Came, Vitreous Paint
The Apostolic Church
The Apostolic Church Willet studio sketch
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