St. Mary's Catholic Churchchurch
324 First St., N.W.
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504
Kent County
Web Address:
Construction: 1873-1874Architect: Hempel of New York
Architect’s City: New York
Number of Pictorial Windows: 26
Number of Non-pictorial Windows: 4
Floor Plan Sketch: Download
Window of the Month October 2004
St. Mary's Catholic Church, photograph by William Gorski
MSGC: 1995.0015Census Coordinator:
Dorothy T. Kant
Studio Name
Oidtmann (H.) Glass and Mosaic Studios
Holy Trinity-Baptism-Praising Angels
Resurrection-Burial-Agony in the Garden
Annunciation-Presentation of Mary-Birth of Mary
Mary Holding Jesus-Death of Joseph
Nativity-Visitation-Mary and Joseph’s wedding
Flight Into Egypt-Presentation of Jesus-Gift of the Magi
Holy Family at Nazareth-Finding Jesus-Looking for Jesus
Tree of Jesse
Guardian Angel
Crucified Christ Meeting Man
Ornamental Trefoil
Jesus, Martha, and Mary
Crucified Christ Finding Lamb
Crowning Mary “Queen”-Mary Assumed Into Heaven
Assumption of Mary-Mary’s Tomb-Mary’s Death
Mary Before Death-Descent of Holy Spirit-Christ with Mary
Resurrection-The Pieta-Women at the Tomb
Last Judgement
Jesus Consoling Women-Death of Joseph-Marriage at Cana
Ascension-Jesus with Doubting Thomas-Jesus with Emmaus Men
Last Supper-Melchizek’s Sacrifice- Abraham’s Test of Faith
Ornamental Arch
Musical Angels
Queen Mary with Baby Jesus-David and the Ark of the Covenant
Musical Angels
Transfiguration-Daniel 3-Genesis 18